Tutor Rebecca
1058 projects completed

97% success rate

About Tutor Rebecca

I am a Psychology graduate with a BSc & MSc in Psychology. I am completing my PhD in medical science and have 7 years of academic experience. I have a strong background in clinical psychology and research methodology (quantitative and qualitative).

I'm based in East Riding but I am available for online assignment help starting from $12 a page and tutoring from $20 an hour. Thank you!


Psychology and sociology capstone projects
Psychology and sociology dissertations
Psychology and sociology term papers


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Completed Orders

Reviews (73)
Essay (any type)

Tutor Rebecca was patient with me. She writes in simple terms, making it easy to revise philosophy using her prompts.

Essay (any type)

I just added the information on the title page and submitted the assignment. Thank you again.

Essay (any type)

Hi Dr. Rogue, I got full marks in activity 1. Really appreciate.


Always my pleasure. Thank you so so much for coming through for me on short notice and in the middle of the festivities.

Book review

Dr. Rogue assisted me with my psychology book review when I had a death in my family. He is professional in his communication and definitely an expert in the field.

Essay (any type)

I'm from the United Kingdom and everything about our curriculum is demanding. I have used many sites before and I always scored below the passmark most of the time. This was my last shot with academic services but instead I have found a legit plug. I passed all of the three papers and for the first I don't have a resit or revision to do yay! Bravo Dr. Rogue.

Essay (any type)

Hi professor, really appreciate the help.

Essay (any type)

A real expert this one. Thank you doctor Rogue.


Thank you!

Essay (any type)

Thank you I have gotten the paper and it looks amazing.

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