Professional Development plan for MBA Class

Professional Development Plan Sample

Hi, you have bumped into an MBA expert on the internet. My name is doctor Watkins. Among other places, I work as a part-time writer for Theprofessorshelp. For now, let’s dive into a sample example of how to write a professional development plan

Goals and Objectives

            My career goal is to advance in my education to the levels that I can successfully operate as a project manager in a mechanical engineering project, or any other project that applies concepts related to mechanical engineering. In achieving this, one of my objectives are to ensure that I succeed in my education, as this will enable me to realize this goal. I also understand that the educational aspect might not be the only factor in ensuring that I succeed as a project manager, as there are other aspects as well such as communication, management, interpersonal, problem-solving, technical, and business skills, which are equally critical for success in any project management opportunity. Subsequently, I will endeavor to improve on my personal skills and other related management skills that can enhance my ability to succeed in my career goal. I intend to achieve this within the same duration of my educational process, as this will mean that when I am ready for the labor market, I will have the necessary skills and educational requirements to succeed in my job description. 

Self-assessment of competencies

            The skill list given in Appendix C of the Plan outlines some of the competencies that I will need to succeed in my career goal and objectives. The list is divided into two broad categories, namely the technical and non-technical skills. From my self-assessment of the competencies, I consider my strengths to be in interpersonal and communication skills, which are aspects of non-technical skills. On the interpersonal skills, I am cultural-sensitive, and this means that I would have minimal difficulties in managing a multicultural setup as a project manager. Additionally, I can work well with other professionals and subordinates, which is critical in a work situation that incorporates people from different professions as is the case in project management. On communication skills, I can communicate perfectly, both orally and in written form, on any aspect that I would want to pass across as a manager. The communication skills can be useful as well in conflict management and negotiation processes. 

            The areas that I would need some learning are on the technical skills such as being conversant with the codes and standards of project management, environmental regulations, managing hazardous or dangerous materials, and in regulatory compliance. These aspects depend on the industry where the project management role exists, and this means that I must consistently appraise myself with the changing requirements in different industries where I could work as a project manager. The other area that I might require some learning is in the management, business, and problem-solving skills. The management and business skills would come from completion of my education process in learning institutions, while the problem-solving skills can be further honed through experience and exposure in a workplace situation. From this self-assessment of my competencies, I a not as far in my development process, but I understand areas where I need improvement in, and I will endeavor to work in those areas to give myself an opportunity to succeed in my career goal. 

Methods and continuing professional development

            Some of the ways that I can continue to develop as a professional and improve in my skills include overall practice assessment of my skills, conducting periodic engineering competence assessment, and assessment of my non-technical and non-engineering skills. I will also need to a plan as well on how I intend to achieve these objectives. On the overall practice assessment method, the objective is to identify the skillsets and competencies that are needed for my career objectives, and develop a criterion on how to improve on each of them. The process could include having a supervisor examining my continued development and making recommendations as well on how I can improve further. 

The periodic engineering competence assessment, on the other hand, is aimed at examining the progress in my professional career, and how best I am suited to lead or guide operations in a project management situation. I can sign up on different assessment processes within my profession and gauge my development process in the profession. Additionally, I could take up some causes, either diploma or certificate, in certain aspects of my career that could be best improved through further learning. In the case of the assessment of my non-technical and non-engineering skills, such as the communication and interpersonal skills, I can improve on these areas through continuous engagement with people within the profession and learning from various experiences of other leaders within my profession. I could also develop on these areas through continuous reading and appraisals of the best practices as documented in books, periodic journal articles, and memos sent to individuals within the profession.

Method to monitor progress

            The method that I will use to monitor my progress is to have a professional development file. The file shall have three main sections, which are the career goal section, the objectives section, and the professional development section. Within the career goal section, I will enumerate my career goal, and what the requirements of achieving the goal. Additionally, in every requirement, I will provide a timeline within which I need to achieve it, for instance, the period to complete my undergraduate studies, when to start and complete my Masters level, and when to initiate my Doctorate learning process and the projected completion time. This will ensure that I remain committed to achieving the highlighted areas within the career goal section. In the objective section, I will document the progress that I am making in achieving the mentioned requirements in the career goal section. Additionally, the objectives section will include classification of other skillsets that I might need to succeed as a project manager, with declassification of each skillset to actionable points. For instance, on communication skills, I will specify areas within the communication skills segment that I need to work on, and provide mechanisms on how I can enhance such skills. Similar process shall be made for other skillsets and objectives within the section.

Lastly, on the professional development section, I will document the mechanisms of assessment that I will use for each objective. For example, on communication skills segment of the objectives section, I will indicate the mechanism of assessing it, or how I have applied it in my workplace and the success that I realized in doing so. I will also document the assessment reports that I receive from my workplace on how I have applied my skills in meeting my job descriptions. Cumulatively, the assessment reports will be useful in measuring my progress in achieving my career goal. 

We all need a contingency plan, Don’t we? You have to assure me that you have understood the flow up to where we are. You are reading a draft from the best essay helper for MBA. The last part is the continency plan.  Please feel free to reach out in case of any questions. The steps followed were provided in the instructions. You don’t come up with your own procedure. 

Contingency plan

            My goal is to reach a position where I can effectively and efficiently work as a project manager. However, in the unfortunate scenario where this is not possible, the contingency plan is to work as a consultant in the profession. The recruitment process of a project manager is highly competitive, and the chances of success could be minimal. The educational competencies that I will have acquired in my professional development plan, coupled with the non-technical skills that I will have honed in the process, will be useful in the consultancy field. Like other professions, the engineering profession enables a professional to engage in consultancy services. The other plan is to apply for a position of an associate professor in one of the learning institutions and assist other aspiring engineers to achieve their career goals. 

The End

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