Personal Statement For Counseling Psychology
I am a 25 years old Counseling Psychology student with a passion for helping people overcome difficult psychological and social problems. I come from a community with diverse groups of people. Like other societies, my community has myriad issues that predispose people to mental illnesses and social problems that necessitate professional intervention. Issues of drug and substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, and domestic squabbles are rife in my community. As future guidance and counseling professional, I believe that I will help families, children, and the community at large prevent the onset of painful mental conditions as I seek to promote a healthier society for all.
My main goal is to take part in the development of a healthier society. My focus is the mental health of people from all social profiles. My mission is to live and work in a community where mental health is not an exception but a reality. I will strive to work with colleagues as well as members of the medical community to provide holistic services that address the causes, outcomes, and interventions of mental illnesses. My vision is to integrate best practices in the treatment of psychological conditions among diverse client profiles.
In the end, I would like to see myself working in the public sector as a consultant in psychological counseling. I would like to serve people through practice and research in guidance and counseling. Besides providing general therapy, I would dedicate my practice to family and marriage counseling. I believe that a strong marriage is a gateway to a healthier society. Juvenile delinquency, drug and substance abuse, alcoholism, and other practices among the youth have roots in the structure of the family. I will, therefore, emphasize stronger families that support the growth of children.
Final Remarks.
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